Short: convert images to PDF and vice versa Kurz: Bilder zu PDF und PDF zu Bilder konvertieren Author: Bernd Assenmacher Uploader: (Bernd Assenmacher) Version: 2.4 Requires: see guide file Type: util/conv Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: Amiga-Storage A little tool to convert images to PDF and vice versa. In the first place its meant to convert scans done with e.g. Scandal or Scanquix to PDF documents in certain output formats like A3, A4, A5, Legal, Letter or ImageSize, but it can be used to convert other image files too. Additionally you can now convert PDF documents pagewise to images like JP(E)G, PNG, BMP, ILBM, GIF or to PDF and scale images to your chosen resolution. For requirements see the guide file. Image2PDF is "Keymailware" ;-) and free to use without any restrictions !! Just send an email to get your free keyfile with your chosen name. Donations are always gratefully received. Btw : Programming software is a very time intense process so if you want you can support it/me by sending a small donation here : Thank you .... :-) All my software can be downloaded from : History : 5th November 2022 --- V1.0 - initial release 12th November 2022 --- V1.1 - minor cleanups - added AmigaOS3.x version (68k) - added AmigaOS4.x version (PPC) 13th November 2022 --- V1.2 - its now possible to give the path of the image to be converted via commandline - added AROS version (X86) - added drawer and program icons for the different supported platforms (thanks Carlo ;-)) - added icons for AmiKit (thanks Jan and Ken;-)) 3rd January 2023 --- V1.3 - added icons from Carlo again which were accidently bad converted in V1.2 - corrected "Credits" in terms of the Amikit icon(s) ;-) - the source folder and the save folder is now memorized when doing more than one image to PDF - added requester which asks if it is wanted to do more images to PDF - added requester if the PDF file already exists (overwrite protection) - on commandline/shell it is no longer neccesary to give the full path of the image file - its now checked if the PDF file to be saved ends with ".pdf" - improved error message in case of invalid loaded image/file - added automatic closing of the viewer windows - added Image2PDF as Hollywood Applet (at least Hollywood Player 9.1 has to be used) 9th Febuary 2023 --- V1.4 - added the possibility to add more images to a PDF document. (one to a page) The output format of all pages is chosen after giving the first image - added a counter to the PDF filenames if the docs have more than one page (doc_1.pdf , doc_2.pdf .... etc. , can be edited) - the name of the image is now taken as the name of the PDF document if the document has only one page, can be edited - Polybios plugin is now linked to the binarys so that it is not needed anymore to install it seperately - fixed guide file so that it can be opened again - updated guide file - added tooltype to set default source and/or save drawer. If it is not set there "ram:" is chosen as default. To set other drawers just remove the parentheses and change the default "ram:" entry to the path you want. Then save it to the icon - fixed an issue which caused an offset positioning an image into a page - improved icon handling. The name of the binary and its icon can be changed to "Image2PDF" or just left as it is with the OS specification. - added possibility to give arguments and parameters with commandline - added possibility to do "bulk" conversion to PDF via commandline - minor cleanups 30th March 2023 --- V2.0 - jumping to V2.0 because this is an almost complete rewrite - GUI created - removed "bulk" conversion via commandline - adapted tooltypes to GUI and icons (even for the applet) - adapted the guide file to V2.0 - MorphOS only release 23rd April 2023 --- V2.1 - code optimized - fixed some minor glitches - it is now possible to add images with uppercase extensions - adapted code to get ready for AmigaOS3/4 and Aros - adapted the guide file to V2.1 4th June 2023 --- V2.2 - added BMP, IFF, ILBM, GIF, TIFF and PCX for conversion to PDF. - added possible free registration (just send an email to get your key :-)) - switched output 180° to improve seeing what happens while converting - improved handling of unvalid images - cleanups and some minor fixes 16th July 2023 --- V2.3 - fixed an issue which could lead to a crash when invalid PNG images were loaded and drawn to the PDF document. (Thanks Alan :-)) - optimized conversion process - optimized loadimage function and error treatment - optimized saving speed and size of PDFs - added "Help" entry in menu to show guide file - changed PDF viewer to APDF on AmigaOS3.x - added install script 27th November 2023 --- V2.4 - added function "PDF2Image" (does not work with Aros) - added function "PDF2PDF" (does not work with Aros) - added function "Scaling" --> Image2PDF when "ImageSize" is set as format - added function "Scaling" --> PDF2Image - added function "Scaling" --> Image2NewSize - added function "Quality" --> PDF2Image when "JP(E)G" is set as format - changed file upcounting method when saving images (thanks Sébastien ;-)) - Install script now copys icons and pics (MorphOS, AmigaOS3/4 and Aros) - Install script now installs to AmiKit if chosen - Install script now creates a drawer called "Image2PDF" in the chosen destination (MorphOS, AmigaOS3/4 and Aros) - some cosmetic changes were done to the GUI - updated guide - fixed some minor issues ******************************************************************** This readme file was made with Aminetreadmemaker from Thomas Igracki ********************************************************************